Carl Zeiss Meditec launched the IOLMaster in the year 2000. Unlike the two traditional methods of obtaining biometric measurements, applanation and immersion ultrasound, the proposition offered by the IOLMaster was accuracy and reproducibility without contacting the eye. Since then, the IOLMaster has gradually evolved to become the preferred biometry method among cataract surgeons in USA (Annual Leaming Survey of ASCRS members, 2010).
One of the early concerns of surgeons when the IOLMaster came to market was its ability to read through dense cataracts. With version 5 and 500 Zeiss introduced the "composite" signal which increases the number of measurable patients. In fact, the IOLMaster 500 provides the ability to measure more than 20 patients per eye per day which was a limitation of early versions. This may increase the opportunity to go through dense cataract as the number of measurements is technically limitless (3,000 per day per eye)
The evolution of the IOLMaster involves increased number of patients with lens opacity ("composite technology"), automated keratometry, automatic ACD and white to white.