Case Studies

Modesto / Stockton Laser Eye Surgery and Cataracts Surgeon – Dr. Ash
Case Studies

In the following cases, I will present some cases from my own refractive practice in Modesto, CA. I practice at the Northern California Laser Center and have a different website dedicated for patient education. The current website is mainly for education of patients and professionals.

The following pages are for professionals only and require significant expertise to fully comprehend. The cases provided here are simply examples, and my personal interpretations of them. They are for educational purposes only and as such you should use your judgement when assessing the information. I invite your comments and I will be happy to blog them. Please email me your thoughts at

If you have not had a chance to review examples of baseline corneas, let me suggest the following links for review:

Normal Spherical Cornea

Normal Toric Cornea


Pellucid Marignal Degeneration